

La Pachamama ( is a company specialized in bringing the best organic yerba mate tea and Argentine food products to New Zealand. The company operates online and through a network of retailers and distributors that offer their products to the public.

Yerba mate contains twice the amount of antioxidant as green tea but only one third of the caffeine found in coffee. It is used in weight loss, aids digestion and lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol. Yerba mate can be prepared using a tea pot, coffee plunger or using tea bags. Alternatively, it can be prepared using a hollow gourd (known as a “mate"), using a special straw called a bombilla (bom-bee-zha) and sipping the water through it. La Pachamama brings a variety of yerba mate brands and blends to satisfy different tastes, including a range of gourds and straws.

Yerba mate is a naturally invigorating drink, full of energy and vitality!

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