Auckland 2023

25-27 Jun, Sun–Tue 10am–5pm, Auckland Showgrounds

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Good George Brewery & Distillery

If we told you that Good George was the best thing to come out of Hamilton, you’d probably think for a minute then make a joke about how we don’t have much competition. When you come from a city that boasts a bridge called Bridge Street Bridge, you learn quickly not to take life too seriously.

We’re serious about brewing though. A group of friends started Good George because we wanted to make beer that was truly world class. Now that this dream has been confirmed by us winning numerous awards we’re far too modest to go into here, our next job is to spread the word.

There’s a bit of chemistry to brewing, but you shouldn’t need a chemistry degree to enjoy it (or to read the list of ingredients). Beer shouldn’t be boring, but nor should it be intimidating – we’re not afraid to challenge your tastebuds now and then but that should be an enjoyable experience, not a scary one.

It's easy really: world-class beer, fresh and original, and proudly brewed in Hamilton.

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